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Audrey and Nate. 13 and 10. Officially. They are 2 years & 9 months apart to the day. I always joke Nate was 7 days late on purpose so he and Audrey shared the same birth-day of the month! This year – double digits and teenager 😊  I swear they just looked like this….   […]

May 1, 2017


Today he is 9!heart emoticon  Nate is the friendliest, most enthusiastic person I’ve ever known in my life. He finds the fun in everything he does and can make anything an adventure! He makes friends in a flash and enjoys every second of his life from sun up til’ sun down! He makes us laugh […]

December 16, 2015


                                                                So, I found this in Nate’s backpack.                                  […]

March 29, 2015


Holy smokes – it’s 2015.  I’ve been taking it easy on social media and blogging the past month. December is my favorite month of the year and I did my best to be present throughout it! That meant a little time away from all this!!!!!  So tonight, I’ll start with this little important moment. It’s […]

January 7, 2015


Some days are just plain good days. And when you are 6 and figuring out life and losing teeth and stuff….you just get inspired! When he does stuff like this, he melts her heart (and mine)!  Tooth #2 – OUT! Love ya little buddy! xoxo -Mama

February 21, 2013