Six years ago, my side of the family decided to start a new tradition. Instead of exchanging gifts, we would spend a weekend somewhere together around the holidays. This was our sixth year in Leavenworth. It is a weekend we all anticipate throughout the year. My kids actually start counting down to Leavenworth on our way home from Leavenworth! We love it. The family time, good food, good wine, good company, Christmas spirit, sledding, Santa…the list goes on and on! This year was no exception!! A great time for sure! I had to share some of our adventure here!
To say my son was mesmerized by all these characters is an understatement!
He LOVED them! And high-fived them!

He TOTALLY loved St. Nick!
As we roamed the streets of Leavenworth, my girl spies her buddy up ahead! No way!
What a fluke to run into them!
It turned out to be SUCH a fun day!
These girls are such two peas in a pod.
And the two little ones….they are pretty much two peas in a pod as well, as you probably can tell!

We came back to our place and played and relaxed some.
The kids had a blast outside in the little bit of snow we had!
We had a few horses next door that were entertaining to all!
Such great friends! Love these girls!

We soon headed out to Ski Hill. There wasn’t a whole lot of snow, but there was plenty for the tube hill!
Now this was entertaining for everyone…..all kids and all grown ups went spinning down this hill!
And who was first in line? The 5 year olds of course!
Not to be outdone by the big girls, of course!

And success of the first run! All potential jitters gone….ALL ready to keep going!

We had so much fun with you guys!
You go J!!
The moms even went flyin’ down this hill!
Later, we hit town for the lighting of Leavenworth.
And let me just say – if you haven’t done this before, you really should! So fun!
These two talked to EVERY character they could! Hysterical!
Even Ms. Washington stopped to chat!

Now, let’s get back to this picture! This pretty sums up my daughters bliss.
Hanging out with two of her grandmas and grandpas in the same house for four days.
Bottom line…..happy!
She is getting way too big!!! Geesh! Freaking me out a little!
Buddies, silly, always in sync……love them!
And I’ll end with this.
Her cup runneth over, right?!
I am grateful for traditions
I am grateful for a loving family and truly amazing friends.
I’m just really grateful this holiday season!
Wishing you all much happiness!
December 29th, 2011 at 5:07 pm
What a fun tradition for all of you!! 🙂 As you said, Bliss pretty much sums it up! Great pictures as always!!