So I had to take a quick minute to highlight this completely adorable crew!
7 months old….3 years old…..and the grown ups of course!
I did some pictures of them this past summer and they decided to do a mini-session for Christmas!
Who knew that in such a short time, we’d get SO many beautiful pictures.
It was cold……kiddos were tired….but nevertheless, they rocked it!
We headed downtown Gig Harbor and away we went!
Seriously – you can just feel their love for each other!
So fun to capture!

Um, no words here…..honestly he is such a doll!
Holy smokes – these two – bros til’ the end.
I’d love to here what they say about this picture when they are 20-something!
All sorts of new milestones are happening for this little guy!
He is clearly very loved!!!

And 3 years old
He knows what he wants, and what he doesn’t want!!!
Today he was cold, but still sweeter than ever!

Those cheeks!!!!
Some classic family shots!
Cracked me up!
I love how “real” little people are!
They sure make for some fun family pictures!
Ok….this next series….I LOVE!!!!
I saw them happen in real life and was counting my blessings for a fast shutter!
Jamie, you are gorgeous!
I adore these pictures of you and your baby boy!
Look at those sweet, tiny teeth!
And look at him leaning in and anticipating his mama’s kiss!! Love!
Merry Christmas to you Hodge Family!!
Wishing you all a happy holiday!!
December 21st, 2011 at 6:40 am
Absolutely gorgeous pictures of Jamie's family! Well captured…their love really does shine through!
January 6th, 2012 at 4:50 pm
The pics really give a warm feeling. The boys are so adorable. You can see the closeness they have now and will continue to have. Jordan will be a great "big brother" Parents are so loving. Cynthia, thanks for sharing the love.
January 11th, 2012 at 11:01 pm
Hello Hodge Family,
Very beautiful family portraits, those little ones are growing up extremely fast. Before you know it they'll be in high school and dating and the headaches begin.LOL. Love you guys, thanks for sharing the pics.