What a family! I had the best time with this foursome! I have known mom and dad since the good old days at Western! And all these years later, they are still just as awesome and just as in love! Of course, their family has grown a bit over the years and these two are clearly loved and equally dig their parents!
This picture – LOVE IT!!!! One of my fav from the day!
These two are a couple of crack ups….smart as whips and completely adorable!
Clearly loved here!!!!
The rain was falling, but we persisted! You can’t even tell, can ya?!
I think every little girl should have a picture like this with their mom! Honestly – I just love this Ang!
Of course, then I saw these and my heart melted!

These next pics just crack me up. He shares the same name as my son and says, “You know its the best name in the whole world and all of us named _____ are totally cool!” I agree! And if my son grows up to be a fine young man like you – I’ll be happy!

You two – I hope you always keep your playful relationship! You can always tell when a bond is solid!
These two….solid!
Family fun!
Moore family – I hope you look back at these pictures in 20 years and remember this time of your lives! Your love and care for each other was so fun to capture!
Thanks for inviting me out to chase you around in the rain! Ha!
November 5th, 2011 at 9:44 pm
Love the colors – beautiful!!